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Based on the corporate and sales objectives and as team members of the sales organization, specialists and managers in the sales area must be able to deal with increasingly tough competition, high price pressure, growing customer demands and expectations of comprehensive service quality, among other things, with confidence and a high degree of implementation power. The hallmarks of successful sales are:

  • professional and systematic sales management (sales leadership),
  • target-oriented strategies and measures with clearly defined processes,
  • an efficient sales organization,
  • technically and personally qualified and motivated sales professionals in the office and in the field, and
  • a high degree of adaptability to constantly new challenges of the markets.


Our consultants, trainers and coaches are distinguished by their own sales experience at all levels up to sales management as well as comprehensive know-how in the development and advancement of sales and sales management competence. The strength of our sales force and organizational development is our comprehensive thinking and acting as well as the high target and practical orientation with direct transfer assurance for the daily work.

A sales professional is someone who optimally combines the company-specific technical and personal skills required for direct customer contact with his or her individual personality, up to and including a competent, authentic and likeable personality with charisma, and who continuously develops these skills further. The question of which competencies must be available can only be answered in a company-specific, person-related manner and often only with the involvement of the sales staff. Among the possible competencies that can be developed in a development measure tailored to the concrete challenges are


Professional competencies

Customer & demand analysis, market analysis & territory development, customer visits & time management, sales & customer goals, conversation leadership/strategies, customer types / decision makers, buying motives & emotions, product vs. solution selling, value selling, proposal preparation, telephone calls & making appointments, first contact / first impression, target groups & new customer acquisition, sales/customer conversation, customer-oriented rhetoric & presentations, sales rhetoric & psychology, benefit-oriented question & argumentation techniques, objection handling, non-verbal communication & speech signals, information & decision making process Conducting negotiations & closing sales, preparation & follow-up of appointments, factual & relationship level, relationship building/management & customer retention, trust & appreciation, development of win-win situations, after-sales service/conversations, customer relationship management, service performance, complaint management, customer satisfaction, recommendation marketing, repurchase, cross selling etc.


Key Account Management (KAM)

Key customer/potential analysis, partnerships with key customers, systematic & result-oriented customer development, new acquisition & relationship management, customer relationship management, (strategic) KAM planning, annual talks & agreements, conducting talks & demanding negotiation situations with key accounts, leading without authority to issue directives etc.


Personal skills

Contact strength, self-analysis, self-perception and perception of others, individual salesperson personality/authenticity as a competitive advantage, enjoyment of performance, active action orientation, power of implementation, persuasiveness and assertiveness, sporting ambition, decision-making ability, self-coaching, self-reflection, self-organization, self-motivation, openness, willingness to learn, sense of humour, intuition, mental strength, ability to work under pressure, critical faculties etc.

The implementation of corporate and sales goals requires professional and systematic sales management, which is primarily responsible for target-oriented strategies and measures with clearly defined processes and systems (including CRM), an efficient sales organization, a result-oriented and cooperative performance climate in the sales team, and situational and communicative leadership behavior.

Among the possible competencies that can be developed in a development measure tailored to the specific challenges are


Personal competencies

want to be a decision-maker / manager, individual sales manager personality / authenticity, sense of responsibility, active action orientation, implementation power, persuasiveness / assertiveness, sporting ambition, decision-making ability, self-coaching, self-reflection, organization, control, self-motivation, Sovereignty / authority, sense of values, loyalty, integrity, objectivity, contact strength, fairness, openness, willingness to learn, ability to criticise, feedback, challenge & support, acceptance / exemplary ability, humanity, sense of humour, intuition, mental strength, resilience, health orientation, work-life balance etc.


Social skills

Communication, self-awareness & external perception, self-motivation & control, interaction / inclusion, empathy / emotional intelligence, ability to cooperate, recognition & criticism, ability to deal with conflict, respect, commitment, enthusiasm, role model, personal maturity, social responsibility etc.


Professional competencies

Specialist knowledge and own professional experience as a sales professional and as a sales manager, knowledge of processes, systems & organizations, interdisciplinary knowledge, internationality etc.


Methodical competencies

Ability to learn, ability to think / networked / holistic thinking, challenging & promoting, interactions, priorities, organization, target agreement / controlling, delegating, steering, personal responsibility, recognition & motivation, feedback, creativity, diagnostics, judgement, problem-solving ability, systematic, time management etc.


Strategic competencies

Holistic approach, vision, future prospects, opportunities & risks, strategic planning, change processes, adaptability etc.

Based on the company-specific wishes and goals as well as the needs and motives of the respective target group, we develop tailor-made concepts with a holistic architecture for qualified sales coaching & sales programs together with the customer. Our experienced consultants, trainers and coaches contribute their own sales and sales management experience, ensure practical relevance with target-oriented and attractive methods and offer direct transfer for daily work.


Typical features that support the sustainability of our coaching & programs are

Customer-specific current status (strategy, goals, personnel, organization, culture, current challenges, etc.) as a starting point for customized development, formulation of personal goals of the participants, knowledge transfer, processing of concrete practical tasks, role plays, learning groups in "protected space", exchange of experience, best practice, experiential/experiential learning, trainer feedback, self-image/image of others, monitoring, reflection, self-coaching, controlling and tracking of the participants' personal goals, humanity, humor, and much more.

With our Check & Review in the area of sales, we support three main topics:

  • Implementation power in sales: Review of goals, measures & results and leadership & organization.
  • Cooperation in the sales team: Reflection of teamwork and optimization.
  • Current sales challenges: Adjustments in sales.


If our Check & Review is carried out systematically and also in the other functional areas, the cooperation within the team, between the teams and the implementation power in the company as a whole will be improved. In addition, critical issues are also addressed sensitively and in a solution-oriented manner, and measures are developed jointly. With this approach, personnel development has a developing effect on the entire organization.


For reasons of better legibility, the simultaneous use of gender-specific language forms is dispensed with.


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