Professional and managerial staff must be able to master different tasks, objectives, expectations and other challenges of today's world with confidence. In addition to pure professional competence, professional self, time and stress management as well as a high degree of implementation power are indispensable for success. In this respect, it is important to competently manage oneself, one's available time, the individually perceived stress as well as one's own power of implementation in order to successfully master the challenges.
Depending on the wishes and goals of our clients, we develop tailor-made training and coaching. For example, we gain more power of implementation with various concepts ranging from Shaolin mindfulness to Spartan boatcamp.
We understand self-management as the competence to take one's own personal and professional development into one's own hands, to motivate oneself, to effectively allocate one's time on the way to achieving one's goals and to make necessary adjustments through a comprehensible controlling until personal and professional goals are achieved.
In a tailor-made training/coaching are to be considered among other things:
Implementation competence, self-organization, self-motivation, self-management methods, work-life/life balance, information management, decision-making competence, self-management / self-leadership (process for increasing personal effectiveness), stress management / prevention, time management, entrepreneurial versus personal goals, goal management, resources of individual character, personal biorhythm, work style, Flexibility versus structure, multitasking, saying no, self-discipline versus postponementitis, self-learning competence, self-respect, self-criticism, self-marketing, intrinsic motives, own attitudes & feelings / ways of thinking & acting, beliefs, personal reward system, planning techniques, mind-mapping, checklists, prioritizing, measures to achieve goals, focusing, creating free space, recovery & compensation, humour etc.
We understand time management as the competence to allocate the available time through systematic and disciplined planning in such a way that all important professional and personal goals and tasks are accomplished.
Among other things, these are to be taken into account in a tailor-made training / coaching:
Implementation competence, work methodology, personal structural and process organization, (time) expenditure versus (work) yield, time sovereignty, time pressure, developing and achieving goals, making decisions, priorities and consequences, planning techniques with time planning systems, personal work style and time thieves, time wasters and therapy, measures and implementation power, task and schedule planning, Delegation & commitment, appointment calendar, appointment tracking & resubmissions, controlling, checklists, ad hoc tasks, gaining time, workplace organization, documentation & filing systems, productivity per time unit, performance curve, time types, buffer times, undisturbed times, telephoning, recovery & balancing, own attitudes & feelings, ways of thinking & acting etc.
We understand stress management as the competence to both react appropriately to unspecific reactions of the human organism (stress) - caused by physical and psychological strain - and to prevent these reactions from occurring to a lesser extent or, in the best case, not at all. Stress is understood neutrally as the activation of the body by positive or negative stimuli (positive or negative stress). An essential goal is to be healthy and efficient in the long run.
In a tailor-made training / coaching are to be considered among other things:
Implementation competence, stress & development, stressors / stress factors, personal stress intensifiers, physical and psychological stress reactions, overstraining reactions, stress coping / stress management, intervention & prevention, saying no, warning signals, burnout, attentiveness etc.
We understand implementation power as the competence to actually implement or realize defined goals, tasks and other challenges in planned steps efficiently and in a reasonable time. It is about the ability to convert goals and motives into results.
Among other things, these are to be taken into account in a tailor-made training / coaching:
Implementation competence, self-confidence, focus, emotional energy, anticipation, self-discipline, self-confidence, self-assurance, willpower etc.