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Through the close connection between corporate and personnel strategy (HR Strategy), personnel management has the core task of ensuring that the personnel required to achieve the objectives are available in an efficient organization. To fulfil this core task, HR Instruments (personnel development, organizational development, recruiting & outplacement) and HR special topics and methods (HR Tools) of a holistic and innovative personnel management have to be used professionally. The methods and special topics we use in addition to or within the scope of the HR instruments include:

We understand coaching as an intensive and systematic development of the abilities for a result-oriented problem and self-reflection as well as consulting of individuals or groups to improve the realization of defined goals or for conscious self-change or self-development.


Important prerequisites for successful coaching are voluntariness, willingness to change, trust, openness and transparency, discretion, as well as personal acceptance of those involved.


A coaching consultation is a process that extends over several meetings (sessions). The following phases can be divided:

  • Perception of the need for coaching (recognition of the desire for individual support)
  • Getting to know each other for the first time (establishing contact & initial discussion)
  • Conclusion of contract (formal & psychological ("rules of the game")
  • Clarification of the initial situation (determination of actual & target status)
  • Determination of objectives (development of objectives & solutions)
  • Interventions (implementation of objectives)
  • Evaluation (controlling the achievement of objectives)
  • Completion (completion of the coaching)


We provide advice and support on the following coaching topics:


Business coaching

Targets: Supporting one's own clarity and certainty in business decisions such as the development of business or divisional strategies, change management projects, etc.


Leadership coaching

Targets: Further development of the leadership personality, strengthening of personal sovereignty, overcoming leadership crises, increasing the leadership effect, etc.


Personal Coaching

Targets: Dealing with personal change and development issues, expanding self-competence, improving communication, developing conflict skills, dealing with the image of others / oneself, dealing with personal patterns etc.


Performance coaching

Targets: Increasing personal impact and self-confidence in concrete situations such as negotiations, presentations, difficult conversations, etc.


Leadership Change Coaching

Goals: successful familiarization with a new management position, e.g. systematic planning of the first 100 days, recognizing success factors of the new position, effectiveness of the management, etc.



Goals: independent and systematic development and implementation of self-defined goals, improvement of implementation strength, independent management of change processes, etc.

By mentoring, we mean the active support and guidance of junior managers and high potentials by experienced managers from our own company over a defined period of time in order to develop them into the high performers of tomorrow. This active and systematic support has a positive effect on performance, loyalty and retention, and leads to lower costs while increasing efficiency.


Benefits for the company:

  • Possibility of internal promotion of junior executives and high potentials.
  • Identification of the mentee's potential.
  • Targeted development of the mentee's potential and career.
  • Benefit of the company-specific competence and experience of the mentors.
  • Tailor-made support and thus higher learning transfer.
  • Inexpensive method of competence and experience transfer.


Benefits for the mentor:

  • Acquisition of consulting skills.
  • Assuming responsibility in the company through commitment to young managers.
  • Increase of the reputation in the company.


Benefits for the mentee:

  • Tailor-made, personal development
  • Career support
  • Profit from the skills and experience of an "old hand".
  • Developing awareness of your own abilities, strengths and potential.

The success of a company is primarily dependent on the performance and willingness of its employees. The systematic recording and evaluation of competencies, potentials, values, as well as the motivational and driving structure of specialists and executives - in particular through diagnostic selection and personality analyses, assessments and management audits - has become an important element of modern human resources work.


Advantages of support from INQIMACO®

  • Consultants with academic expertise, scientifically certified expertise and many years of assessment experience,
  • high quality of results through the use of scientifically based instruments with high objectivity, reliability and validity
  • Discretion, sensitivity and empathy throughout the diagnostic process,
  • Comprehensive presentation of results and feedback interviews for candidates and clients with differentiated knowledge acquisition, and
  • neutral and objective assessment from the perspective of professional and independent specialists.


Goals of competence and potential analyses in the selection process

  • Quality improvements by supporting and securing personnel selection decisions through aptitude diagnostics,
  • Predictions regarding the probable success in case of filling the vacancy,
  • minimizing risks when filling key and top positions with highly qualified specialists and managers, and
  • Savings of time and above all costs.

The goal of talent management is to ensure that critical positions and functions in the company are filled. It is primarily aimed at target groups that are critical to the success of the company and whose availability within the company and on the job market is limited. In this respect, talent management is a strategic approach to securing and increasing the long-term competitiveness of companies. By "talent" we mean both "junior staff with above-average skills" and "high-performing and high-potential employees".


The talent management process can be broken down into three steps, which can be tailored to the company's individual goals and conditions:


Identify & "win" talents

Talent recruitment internally, e.g. through appraisal interviews or personnel appraisals, and externally, e.g. through internal job portals, active scourcing, and us as your consultants.


Fostering talents

Promoting talent through personnel development measures, taking into account the company's objectives and the wishes and goals of the respective talent. Optimal positioning of talents in positions that match their talents and at the same time present a challenge. Helpful measures for further development are target agreements, individual training and further education offers as well as development plans and programs.


Retaining talents

Retention through optimal positioning in the company, promising career prospects and a mutually trusting relationship. In this respect it is a goal-oriented combination of material and immaterial incentives.

The aim of employer branding is to establish a strong employer brand that influences the way a company is perceived as an employer:

  • among its own current employees (employee loyalty / loyalty / internal employer branding),
  • with potential future employees (employee recruitment / recruiting / external employer branding), and
  • with other stakeholders or other interest groups (e.g. customers).


Internal employer branding leads to the active development and maintenance of an internal employer brand in all areas of the company that can be experienced daily by all employees, and is the prerequisite for external employer branding. External employer branding includes all operative measures for implementing the employer brand in the labor market and establishing a company as the employer of choice among the relevant target groups.


The procedure for a successful internal & external employer branding strategy can be divided into

1. analysis of the current and target situation (company image, employer attractiveness, etc.)

2. positioning and communication strategy / channels

3. action and communication plan

4. internal and external implementation (conveying & living values etc.)


When implementing employer branding measures, it is important to achieve a good mix and balance between internal and external measures.


Internal employer branding measures include

  • appealing work content, work success and good working conditions
  • attractive salary
  • Responsibility, recognition and appreciation
  • good working atmosphere, open feedback culture
  • flexible working hours / compatibility of work and family
  • Development / further training opportunities
  • Career/ promotion opportunities
  • Health management and promotion of sports activities
  • company pension schemes


External employer branding measures include

  • Presence on social media channels and employer rating portals
  • Identifying and using employees as brand ambassadors
  • Participation in events / fairs
  • Cooperation with educational institutions
  • Participation in competitions / Employer seal of approval

In a global labor market, it is becoming increasingly difficult to retain high-performing employees and compete for talent. In this respect, modern remuneration and incentive systems are of great importance.


Employees who feel that they have been justly and fairly rewarded are generally more motivated, more willing to perform and remain more loyal to the company than employees who feel less justly and fairly rewarded. This is not only a question of cash remuneration (basic salary p. a. plus guaranteed payments such as Christmas bonus, holiday pay, capital-forming benefits, bonuses, etc.), but also of non-cash benefits such as company pension schemes, company cars, further training measures, etc., which make an attractive employer today.


We are a sparring partner in the analysis of existing compensation & benefits structures, as well as in the development and implementation of tailor-made performance-oriented remuneration and incentive systems. Possible incentives are


Material incentives

Basic salary, variable salary, non-cash benefits (company car, etc.), profit-sharing, capital sharing, retirement and disability provisions, continued salary payment in the event of illness, accident insurance, vacation, other fringe benefits, etc.


Intangible incentives

Work content, recognition / status, freedom of action, information / communication, management style, working atmosphere, working time regulations, job security, location, development opportunities, medical services, sports opportunities, support for work & family, corporate identity, etc.

Other methods used and special topics considered by us include:


Performance reviews

Systematically and regularly conducted employee appraisals as a target- and result-oriented management instrument within the framework of corporate communication.

Contents / topics: e.g. overall & personal goals, measures to achieve goals, assessment of performance & behaviour, personnel development measures, career planning, systematic feedback, targeted improvement of communication & cooperation between manager & employees, systematic communication of ideas & criticism etc.


Target agreements / management by targets

Leading with goals in the form of a sustainable leadership and target culture with transparency, clarity and measurability.

Contents / topics: e.g. transfer strategies & goals into concrete tasks, company & employee goals, competencies & development, potentials, correlation between the tasks of other organizational units, reduction of complexity, institutionalized appraisal interviews, acceptance, etc.


Employee Surveys

Measurement of satisfaction and motivation within the company, detection of weaknesses and identification of measures for organizational development through feedback and dialogue.

Contents / topics: e.g. assessments of the job as well as the working environment & conditions, cooperation & teamwork, leadership & supervisor behaviour, possibilities of employee development, remuneration, way of communication, corporate culture, feedback culture "live" etc.


"360-degree feedback"

Assessment of the competences (result-relevant behaviour) of specialists and managers from different perspectives: self-assessment (self-image) of the assessed person plus perspectives of employees, superiors, colleagues, team members, customers (external image) etc.

Contents / topics: e.g. objectivity in the assessment, diversity of opinions, support of learning and development processes, improvement of leadership skills, etc.


Generation development

Demographically sensitive personnel policy and life-phase-oriented employee development in order to take into account all generations of employees in times of a shortage of specialists and managers and to use the existing potential of knowledge and experience.

Contents / topics: e.g. new HR concepts, appreciation of experience & potential, securing know-how critical to success, promotion of work-life balance, health management, mentoring, improvement of the social climate, etc.


Education Controlling

Planning, control and evaluation of personnel development measures oriented on the strategic goals of the company, as well as controlling of the achievement of goals including the derivation of further measures.

Contents / Topics: e.g. competence analysis (requirement / competence profile with determination of the competence development needs), demand-oriented planning & conception of the training measures (off / on / near-the-job), professional implementation of the training measures, transfer of the acquired knowledge into practice, controlling of the achievement of objectives including derivation of further measures etc.


Competence management

Securing current and future competencies (knowledge, experience, skills, etc.) for the realization of corporate strategies and goals, taking into account demographic change and the lack of specialists and managers (strategic, integrated and knowledge-oriented)

Contents / topics: e.g. action competences (technical, methodical, personal and social), definition of success-relevant competences, competence portfolio, systematic identification & recording of existing competences, planning & determination of necessary measures for competence development, implementation & controlling of goal achievement including derivation of further measures etc.


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