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Your Consultants:

Give your life a more concrete direction!

Where is your journey going?


Do you control your life or are you controlled?

What dreams & wishes did you already have as a child and do you still have today?

Are there dreams & wishes that are already no longer realistic from the point of view of your current stage of life?


What signs & traces do you want to leave in your life?


What would you like to be proud of?

Do you have professional, private or other goals in your life?

If you were asked specifically about your goals, could you describe them in detail or do you rather have "pseudo-goals"?


There are said to be people who plan their holidays better than their lives, who more or less let themselves drift at some point and then become increasingly dissatisfied with themselves and the world.


The above questions are just a few examples of how important it is to have concrete goals in life, aren't they?


In this respect, describe your goals as SMARTER as possible. The abbreviation SMARTER stands for Specific (concrete and positively formulated), Measurable (e.g. with KPIs), Attractive (activating your motivation), Realistic (the goal achievement has a high probability), Time-bound (e.g. in 2 to 3 years or in 10 or ... years), Ecological (optimally considering ecology with only insignificant to no negative impacts) and Resourced (resources used appropriately/ sustainably). A SMARTER goal meets all the essential criteria to increase the likelihood that you will achieve your goal.


When formulating your goals in concrete terms, take enough time and rest to grasp all the facets that are important to you, such as where and with whom you would like to achieve your goals? Use the W-question words: Who? What? When? Why? Where? How? How much? Etc.


In today's VUKA world, it is also very important to pursue your own goals with a high degree of flexibility and adaptability, as well as to follow the paths to the adjusted goals, if necessary.


If your goals and their realisation are really important to you, then you should reflect on your goals at least once a week (or at least once a month depending on your priorities) and make adjustments if necessary.


Give your life a more concrete direction today!

Take a piece of paper and reflect on your 5 to 10 most important goals!

Do you have goals in all areas of life or should you still think specifically about some areas of life?

What is the time horizon (short, medium or long term) of your goals?


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Your personal Contact

Thomas Timothé Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner


If you have any questions or are looking for qualified support in the business fields HEADHUNTING, BUSINESS CONSULTING & INTERIM MANAGEMENT, HR CONSULTING/DEVELOPMENT or PERSONAL Expert & LEADER BRANDING, just send me a short message with the "Click for more!" button.


For further future-oriented information, thoughts & ideas please feel free to activate the “bell” at the top right of my LinkedIn-Profile.


On LinkedIn, I share about 2 to 3 posts a week on current topics.




Thomas Timothé Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner
* Mandatory Field

For reasons of better legibility, the simultaneous use of gender-specific language forms is dispensed with.


Your Key Contact for concrete
answers & solutions!
