Career: between dream and reality!
Career is the professional development of a person. It generally means climbing a "career ladder", increasing responsibility and rising income. In today's world, expert careers are becoming increasingly important alongside executive careers.
How much career do you want?
☉ Academic degree (Bachelor, Master, etc.)?
☉ Title (Dr., etc.)?
☉ Top expert or top executive?
☉ Specific job title?
☉ Level of responsibility (span of control, budget etc.)?
☉ Earn money with your passions?
☉ High (work-) life balance with a certain income level?
☉ 6-digit income (in €, $ or similar)
☉ Company car of a certain class?
☉ C-level position?
☉ CEO of a large organisation/corporation?
☉ Permanent position and/or self-employment?
☉ Founder of a successful company (start-up)?
☉ Financial independence?
☉ Etc.
How much career suits you?
☉ Where is your mental & physical stress limit?
☉ Do you have the necessary professional expertise as well as the personal skills and management resp. leadership competences?
☉ To what extent can you cope with changes, uncertainties & risks (job loss, financial solvency, etc.)?
☉ How much stability & security do you need?
☉ Are you willing to work more than 8 or 10 hours/day?
☉ Are you prepared to make personal sacrifices if necessary?
☉ To what extent can you cope with processes that do not run smoothly and with "shirt-sleeved" internal communication?
☉ To what extent can you deal with less qualified colleagues & envious people?
☉ Does your (work-) life balance remain in balance in terms of family, friends, ...?
☉ Etc.
It is your task,
☉ that you have all the essential information (framework conditions, chances & risks) about a new higher resp. more demanding challenge and that these are calculable for you,
☉ that you possess all essential skills or acquire them in individual areas at short notice,
☉ that all areas of your life remain in balance,
☉ etc.
Whoever says "A" must also be able to say "B"!
⪼ Where are possible career opportunities and possible risks based on your professional & personal skills, as well as your wishes & goals, values, motives, attitudes & work-life balance? … so that you can develop your career positively and with a high joy of life in the long term!
⪼ Which career path and which job profiles along this path suit you best?
Your personal Contact
Thomas Behncke
CEO/Managing Partner
If you have any questions or are looking for qualified support in the business fields HEADHUNTING, BUSINESS CONSULTING & INTERIM MANAGEMENT, HR CONSULTING/DEVELOPMENT or PERSONAL Expert & LEADER BRANDING, just send me a short message with the "Click for more!" button.
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