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„Indians Bridge“!

GUIDING IDEA on the Animal(s) & other Organisms-Sphere

An old Indian legend says that when you die, you will meet all the animals that have crossed your path during your lifetime on the bridge that leads to heaven. And these animals decide whether you can go further or not.


One of our Approaches and Concepts is the Personality & Social Life Balance© for Personalities of the 21th Century


This holistic Thinking Approach distinguishes between 6 Spheres of Life (Human Life Domains):

Business & Legend(s)-Sphere

Human Being(s) & Sense-Sphere

Health & Individualisation-Sphere

Relation(s) & Partnership(s)-Sphere

Nature & Climate-Sphere

Animal(s) & other Organisms-Sphere


The concept includes the 6 Spheres of Life and the Personality Sphere with its Values and Attitudes, Motives as well as Soft and Hard Skills. In addition, there are a number of Guiding Ideas for each Sphere, each of which provides guidances for action.


Having already presented a Guiding Idea on the Spheres of Life to , this post is one of the Guiding Ideas on the Sphere :


There are many legends and myths about the indigenous people of North America, the Indians, such as the idea of special, sometimes spiritual, powers of nature and animals.


Indians feel part of the earth in their lives. For them, the whole of creation lives, be it earth, water, stone, plant, animal or human. Therefore, the relationship of Indians to the rest of creation is characterised by a high level of respect. The close connection between people with nature and animals determined the thinking and actions of the Indians.


The Indians were dependent on animals if they wanted to survive. Animals provided them with a lot of what they needed to live: meat, hides, bones, sinews, feathers and tusks.


What do animals mean to you in your life?

How do you see the relationship between humans and animals, resp. how would you realistically like it to be?


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Your personal Contact

Thomas Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner


If you have any questions or are looking for qualified support in the business fields HEADHUNTING, BUSINESS CONSULTING & INTERIM MANAGEMENT, HR CONSULTING/DEVELOPMENT or PERSONAL Expert & LEADER BRANDING, just send me a short message with the "Click for more!" button.


For further future-oriented information, thoughts & ideas please feel free to activate the “bell” at the top right of my LinkedIn-Profile.


On LinkedIn, I share about 2 to 3 posts a week on current topics.




Thomas Timothé Behncke

CEO/Managing Partner
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